How to Recover from Adrenal Burnout!
Adrenal Burnout is a very common and important health condition that needs to be addressed for an individual to reach their optimal wellness potential.
In This Blog Post:
I. What are Your Adrenal Glands?
II. Symptoms Indicating you have Adrenal Burnout
III. What Causes Adrenal Burnout?
IV. How to Heal from Adrenal Insufficiency
adrenal burnout is associated with an exhaustion stage of stress and a lowered energy level.
I. What are your adrenal glands?
You have two adrenal glands that sit on top of your kidneys and are located on either side of your lower back.
They secrete specific hormones as we respond to various forms of stress. Such as: cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, aldosterone, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA and more.
Over time, chronic stress causes our adrenal glands to get weaker. This can result in many health symptoms and illnesses.
do you feel like you’re constantly swimming upstream?
II. Symptoms indicating you may have adrenal burnout:
Poor Circulation
Blood Sugar Imbalances
Blood Pressure Imbalances
Impaired Digestion
Muscle Weakness/Pain
Achey Joints
Inability to fully heal
Congested Lymphatic System
Weak Immune System
Emotional Instability
Hormonal Imbalances
III. What causes adrenal burnout?
Physical stress - from micro and macro traumas - a stressful job, taking care of a family, lack of sleep, injuries, poor posture/structure.
Emotional stress - constant anxiety and worry about the past, present and future.
Chemical stress - too much toxicity exposure which causes your lymphatic system to stay stagnant. We encounter all types of toxicity every day: polluted air, water, food, beauty products, cleaning products. Toxicity from radiation exposure: wifi and technology devices.
IV. How to Heal From Adrenal Burnout!
Eat a healthy diet of lightly cooked vegetables and clean animal protein.
Limit/Remove all refined sugar and caffeine from your diet.
Properly hydrate your body with natural spring water.
Focus on getting plenty of sleep*(preferably 8-9 hours a night). Rest is essential to healing your adrenal glands.
The FLOWpresso compression suit puts your body into a healing state! (lymphatic therapy info.)
Pinpoint which specific supplements to take from your hair analysis protocol.
Practice daily detoxification procedures such as: lymphatic therapy, red light therapy, sauna therapy, chiropractic manipulation.
Shift your mental attitudes and perspectives on life: forgive, let go, pray, practice gratitude.
How do you know what stage of adrenal burnout you are in?
We offer two tests that help you find out if you are in mild, moderate or extreme adrenal burnout.