My #1 Nutrition Tip to Prevent Cellular Damage in the Body

Our body is made up of cells - everything we do either improves the health of our cells or causes them to break down.

Cellular Dysfunction in the body causes us to experience chronic health issues and disease , such as diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers and cancer.

One easy way to decrease cellular damage in the bodyโ€ฆ

avoid toxic seed oils!

Why are vegetable/seed oils so toxic?

  • These highly refined oils contain linoleic acid which is a bad fat (omega-6 PUFA).

  • Consuming these oils causes oxidative stress and inflammation in our body at a cellular level.

  • Excess consumption of seed oils causes cellular dysfunction and then cell death in the body.

Chronic inflammation and cellular dysfunction is the precursor of all disease!

Watch my video below to find out two ways to cut seed oils out of your life forever!

vegetable oil consumption leads to cellular dysfunction!

Two effective ways to remove seed oils from your diet:

  1. Make home-cooked meals.

    Most restaurants use poor quality oil to cook with because it is cheaper. And not only are they using seed oils, but they are re-using the same seed oils over and over, which has an unstable molecular structure and is very harmful to the cells in our body. Make sure your cook with the healthy oils listed above! I prefer to use ghee and coconut oil to cook with because they have a high flash point (which means they are more stable when cooked with at high temperatures).

  2. Stop buying food products with seed oils as a main ingredient.

    Unfortunately, seed oils are in a lot of the foods we purchase at the grocery store. My recommendation is to check every product you are purchasing and make a healthy swap to find one that does not contain the following oils as a main ingredient: sunflower, safflower, canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed, peanut, and grapeseed.

    Foods that typically have seed oils as the main ingredient: milk alternatives, snack foods (chips, popcorn), granola bars, dressings, and condiments,

Here are some Healthy Seed Oil Swaps to make while shopping at the grocery store!

Removing these oils from your diet is an effective and passive form of detoxing the body.

When youโ€™re not well, detox the cell!


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